
Live TV Streaming Sites

What are the best premium TV streaming services?

People debate the answer to this question all the time. Of course, everyone has their own individual preferences. Everybody has certain networks, for instance, that they swear by, certain sites that provide premium live TV streaming. And there are, these days, so many different ways to access live TV – be it through a free live television streaming service, a premium TV streaming site, or even by going the old-fashioned route and making use of a traditional cable provider’s services.

There are so many different premium TV streaming services to choose from. And none of them are what I would exactly call “cheap.” I mean, don’t get me wrong, they are all much cheaper than traditional cable, but they are definitely not in the same ballpark as, say, a Netflix or Disney Plus subscription. But Netflix also doesn’t provide you with the convenience and the excitement of live TV. So, as is often the case, you end up getting what you pay for.

That being said, there are a few premium TV streaming services, of course, that make the tops of peoples’ lists much more frequently than others. It is virtually impossible to discuss premium TV streaming apps without bringing up Hulu’s live TV service or YouTube TV – two of the most popular premium TV streaming services on the market, from two of the biggest .com names on the internet. No other premium TV streaming services out there are coming anywhere near offering as comprehensive of service as YouTube TV or Hulu … except for, of course, traditional cable providers (but more on that later).

Why, though, would you want to use a service like Hulu TV or YouTube TV over a regular cable plan? Aren’t they roughly the same price per month? Well, not exactly. Whether you choose Hulu TV or YouTube TV, you’ll still be saving yourself a bit of money compared to what traditional cable providers charge, at least when you consider how many channels you are getting for the price (as well as the convenience with which you can access them).

With Hulu or YouTube TV, for between $40 and $60 a month, you have access to hundreds of channels across any device, all on one simple platform. With traditional cable, on the other hand, you often get access to significantly fewer networks – plus, you have to visit each network’s site individually, or try to navigate the clumsy interfaces of the cable network itself.

Is Hulu TV better than YouTube TV?

That really is the question, then, isn’t it? Now that we have established that you are probably better off with either Hulu TV or YouTube TV over your traditional cable packages, now we must discern which of these top two options is the way to go. Well, the answer to that question will depend on what it is that you value, both in terms of what kind of TV you prefer and what other services you would like to have access to. That is because both Hulu TV and YouTube TV offer access to all of their other premium services as well.

Therefore, if you think that, in addition, to live TV, you would prefer having a YouTube Music or YouTube Premium account over access to the standard Hulu streaming content, YouTube TV may be the way to go. However, if you absolutely need access to all of the great Hulu original content as well as live TV streaming, Hulu TV is probably the better choice for you.

But in addition to taking the separate perks into account, you should also know that YouTube TV does offer access to a few more networks than Hulu does. So, there’s that. What networks they are, though, and whether they are ones that you even care about is something that you’ll have to look into. Feel free to check out my reviews for both YouTube TV and Hulu TV and see which one speaks to you.

Why should I pay for TV streaming sites if I can watch them for free?

Well, this is a very valid question, indeed, considering the fact that it seems as if every day a new free TV streaming site goes up. Why, then, would anyone choose to pay for TV streaming? Well, the way that I tend to look at this is that I am not paying so much for the content (I know how to find just about anything online that I want to watch for free) … but I am paying for convenience, experience, and safety.

Premium TV streaming services, in other words, offer a certain level of user experience that free TV streaming sites often leave to be desired. With, say, Hulu TV, I know for a fact that I am going to have a solid interface to watch TV from, across all of my devices. Free TV streaming apps, however, are not exactly known for their site design or user-friendliness. In fact, more often than not they are riddled in ads (some of which can be malicious). So, you’re paying for the great user experience that a premium service provides, as well as the safety of not having anything to worry about from a security standpoint.

Plus, premium TV streaming sites are consistent and dependable. No matter what, you can know for a fact that you will be able to view live TV with a premium service. A free site, on the other hand, can be extremely hit or miss. They might not have certain networks at certain times, servers could be down, they could have been shut down by the government. There are just too many risky variables at play with a free TV streaming site. If you want dependability and reliability, a premium TV streaming service is the only way to go.

How much will it cost me to stream premium TV content?

Well, that really depends on which service you choose. Hulu TV, for example will run you around $40 a month. YouTube TV costs $49.99 every month. But then there are plenty of other services out there to choose from as well. There are traditional cable companies, whose rates vary greatly, that allow you to stream live TV from the networks you have access to, like Optimum – those can cost anywhere up to around $70/month.

Generally speaking, though, you tend to get what you pay for when it comes to premium TV streaming services. The more networks, the more money. There are, however, plenty of exceptions to this rule. Your best bet before deciding on a premium TV streaming service will be to read through all of my reviews and figure out not only which one will be right for you, but also which might be the best bang for your buck!

If you love watching live TV, though, no matter which premium TV streaming service you choose, it will likely be money well spent. Never again will you have to wonder if you’ll have a way to watch your favorite shows and events!

Can I only stream on a TV with my subscription?

Absolutely not! That is one of the most beautiful aspects of the world of premium live TV streaming services. One of the perks that most of the free sites do not offer. With just about every single one of the premium TV streaming services out there, you can stream across just about any device. Watch live TV on your phone, your tablet, your laptop etc. If it can run an app, you can watch TV on it. Welcome to the 21st century!

But, of course, you can also stream TV via one of these premium TV streaming services on your actual TV as well. As long as you have the right hardware and software combination. Any good premium TV streaming service will work along with most smart TVs, Roku, Firestick, etc. With a good premium TV streaming service, your options are endless. Take all your favorite shows with you, no matter where you go! If that isn’t a great argument for cutting the cord of traditional cable once and for all, I don’t know what would be!

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