
Streaming Apps

What is the best premium streaming app in 2024?

That is the million-dollar question, isn’t it? When it comes to finding the perfect premium streaming apps for your interests and personal entertainment requirements, it is crucial to make sure that you make the right decision. Sure, it is also important to choose a good app no matter what, even when it comes to free streaming apps, as it can save you a lot of stress and time to plan ahead, but it is especially prudent to do your homework before deciding on a premium streaming app because, well, you are going to be paying for it.

Any time your money is involved, as I’m sure you are already well aware, a decision must be well-informed. You wouldn’t want to commit to a subpar streaming app and then potentially be locked into a yearlong commitment in some cases without knowing the ins and outs of that streaming platform’s mobile capabilities. When it comes to premium streaming apps, variations of quality can run the gamut – and I’m not just talking about video streaming quality, I am also talking about how well-designed the app is, how user-friendly, how intuitive, and how many devices it can be expected to work alongside.

Sure, you could probably make a safe assumption in choosing one of the streaming services that is tried and true, one that has already garnered a great deal of public support and popularity. In most cases, these services have spent years building reputations for offering high-quality services across platforms. But you still never know for sure. Although, generally speaking, premium streaming apps are, on the whole, well-designed and user-friendly, that is not to say that there isn’t still a great deal of variability from one premium streaming app to the next.

The YouTube TV app, for instance, has an average user rating of 4.0 stars on the Apple App Store – clearly not a horribly problematic number by any means, as far as app ratings are concerned – yet the Hulu app (which you can access Hulu TV through, a comparable service) has an average user rating of 4.7 stars. Thus, if we are taking into account the opinions of the masses, the Hulu app, even if marginally, is going to probably provide a much better experience.

But it is not just the quality of the app that one needs to take into account when making this decision. You have to square the actual functionality and design of the app with the content a particular service provides. The apps for Hulu and Netflix, for instance, are comparably rated (with Hulu edging out Netflix in rating on the Apple App Store ever so slightly), but the right premium streaming app for you is going to be the one that, at the end of the day, provides the most content that you want to see. Maybe you prefer Netflix’s original content over Hulu’s, or vice versa. You might, then, choose to overlook Netflix’s slightly inferior app design in lieu of its content.

Which premium streaming app is the best for 2024 then? Well, that question is clearly much more subjective than maybe it seemed at first glance. I can’t tell you flat out which is best, but I can tell you that I, personally, am a huge fan of Hulu’s app. I think that Hulu and Netflix will continue to be the top premium streaming apps of 2024, given both their popularity and their dynamic app designs.

In what quality can I stream content on these apps?

When it really comes down to it, the device on which you are using these apps is going the be the only potential limitation to top-notch quality. Most of these premium streaming apps give you the ability to stream in HD (in some cases up to 4K). However, if 4K or 1080p streaming is not supported by your device, of course, this will not be possible.

This is also going to depend largely on the strength and speed of your internet connection. Weak signals will not allow for 1080p or 4K streaming (or if they do, they will take forever to buffer). However, so long as you have an excellent internet connection and the right hardware to support it, many of these premium streaming apps will enable HD streaming.

And that is precisely what you would expect from a premium streaming app … to be able to stream content in the most cutting-edge resolutions available. So, if you’re considering a premium streaming app and it does not offer HD streaming, it is probably worth reevaluating your options.

Why should I pay for these apps if there are free ones available that I could use instead?

Well, speaking of video resolution, that is one reason. Premium streaming apps, as I just mentioned, give you everything that you would expect from an app that you pay monthly in order to use. Free streaming apps do not always offer the same level of quality. And, frankly, that is because they do not have to. They are providing a free service, so, unfortunately, you kind of get what you get. And the ones that do claim to offer free HD streaming, well, they are hit or miss with what they deliver on, at best.

Another perk, though, to using premium streaming apps over any of the free ones that are available in the premium experience that they provide. Free apps are, generally speaking, nowhere near as well-designed as premium ones.

With a premium streaming app, you can expect a premium streaming experience. And that means user-friendly, intuitive, aesthetically pleasing app design. That means the best of the best when it comes to content. That means constant updates and great customer service. That means consistent and dependable streaming. It’s a no-brainer, really.

What kinds of movies, TV shows, and videos can I watch on these premium streaming apps?

The type of content that you will get with a given premium streaming app really just depends on which streaming service you choose. As we all know, each premium streaming service offers a slightly different take on the type of shows and movies that they provide, whether we’re talking about original or syndicated content. It can be tricky, too, to track what shows and movies are going to be available, season to season, from one streaming app to the next. This is why I like to advise people not to pick their premium streaming app based on syndicated content (which is likely to cycle regularly) but on the merits of their original content instead.

Netflix, for instance, has plenty of award-winning and critically acclaimed movies and series. As does Amazon Prime Video and Hulu. Choosing the right one for you, however, will be a matter of looking into which of these platforms tends to produce the kind of premium content you tend to prefer. Netflix is great for comedy (and the occasional drama), for instance, whereas Hulu has tons of great sitcoms, and Amazon Prime is home to amazing dramatic films and shows.

On the whole, though, premium streaming apps offer some of the best new shows and movies as they are released, as well as some of the great classics in film and television. Read through some of my reviews to get a better sense of what kind of content each app has to offer!

On what devices can I use these premium streaming apps?

Premium streaming apps, the good ones, are available on just about any device that can host an app. They are all available, at the very least, on Android and iOS. And most of them are have accompanying Roku, Firestick, and Smart TV apps. That is one more advantage of using premium streaming apps … the versatility … the way that they allow you to take your favorite movies and shows with you no matter where you go.

Do I think it is a good idea to download premium streaming apps? Well, although it obviously depends on the streaming service, yes, I do. Even though I am not, personally, a huge fan of watching movies and series on my phone or tablet (I would much rather do so on my smart TV), there is no denying the convenience and boredom salve that they can provide when you are stuck in unpleasant situations (waiting at the airport, at the DMV, sneaking in an episode at work).

And, so, it is brilliant to have a premium streaming app at the ready for when they are needed. Definitely check out my reviews of these apps to figure out which one is the one for you. Happy streaming!

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